Tuesday, March 10, 2009


So the saying goes that man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains. I think writing is my way to become unchained. I am fettered by motherhood, single parenting, and military life. While some of these give me profound joy, others have given me bitterness.
I was reflecting on something today that I happened to read. It was a Bible verse, from Proverbs.
"Wisdom is more precious than rubies." Proverbs 3:15
We all know at least one thing about wisdom, that it comes with a price. Almost always wisdom is gained through adversity, or walking through fire. There is a responsibility that comes with wisdom as well. What are we supposed to do with it? It's not meant to be hidden, like some huge store of cash under your mattress. It's meant to be shared and dissected, learned from. Yet, I find that I walk a fine line between wisdom and cynicism. I have walked through many fires, as most of us have. I catch myself weighing other's grief and struggles to see if it has a heavier weight than mine. It makes me bitter and sometimes the only wisdom I see I have gained is the capability to muster the strength to tie a knot in the end of my rope and hang on. Maybe I should hang onto my rubies until they're polished, huh?

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